Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break

It's spring break in our neighborhood. When I was in school, we didn't have spring break. We did have a week off for Easter, however, something that would not be acceptable today. During our week off, the noise level outside increased significantly since the neighborhood kids spent as little time as possible indoors. Inpromtu baseball games, bike riding, hop scotch, rope skipping, tag, and hide-n-seek consumed the daylight and evening hours. Today, I'm sitting with the windows open, enjoying the unseasonably warm air. Bird song, an occasional car passing, the distant rumble and warning horn of the train by the river, drift into the open window. Did I mention that in our neighborhood live 27 kids under the age of 12? Where have all the children gone?

1 comment:

  1. Such a sad observation. Guess it's hit and miss. The weather here is beautiful for this (or any) time of the year and today we saw kids washing their cars, walking dogs, playing baseball, swinging in the playground, walking down the highway with fishing poles and riding four wheelers. We kept our "child" busy helping us move rocks and trim bushes in the yard. But I do agree that for the most part, kids just don't get out and PLAY anymore. Parents need to encourage kids to go outside and use their imaginations a little bit. Maybe then kids wouldn't get so bored so quickly go looking for trouble just for something to do. And you know that the fresh air and sunshine can't hurt either!
